Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Blackpool (Circus)

Having to wait around for some cards from the bank to arrive and getting struck down with Cabin Fever we decided to hire a car for a couple of days.Not our original intentions but things change,you know,go with the flow.Anyway Blackpool was chosen as a destination cause you cant get there by narrow boat anyway.The weather was okay when we arrived but soon turned to cold wind blown rain.We parked on a roof top car park and the first stand out was the BP tower.
                                               A touch ugly with scaffolding for maintanance

Every street leading to the Promenade was full both sides with hotels,B&Bs for accomodation,must be some price competition going on.
                                             Every building accomodation both sides

Then it was down the beach for a look at the sea and sand.

                                      Theres the sea,What The,a Concrete Bloody Beach

The concrete goes for miles
Was going to take the horses for a gallop Bruce,to cold, had to leave covers

Had a look in the Winter Gardens Building,a nice old school job.Famous for me cause ive
seen the World Champ Darts televised from there.

                                         Covered in white tiles I reckon

                                           Inside arcade with café,s

                                     In entry foyer,your gotta be joking.Even at home in the
                                     "NUI" they aint that blatant.NICE discuise guys but the
                                      Deal bags are a giveaway.

Then walked out on the North Pier,thats when the rain started.

                                      Looking back down pier,disguising the cold wind,rain.

                                       Out on pier,Awesome old karasel,carasoul,merrygo round.
                                       TQ,s backed horses  slower than these.

Back to the Promenade,this where the circus really starts,the length of the street,crap souvenir, gimmick shops,fortune tellers dens,bars with girlie shows all with the hustlers outside touting for business.It was wet and cold,people were wet and some of the girls outside the bars/clubs were only wearing cotton tee,s short shorts,the headlamps were on full and some looked like they were carrying  a python around the mid drift.Also ive never seen so many fish & chip shops in one area.

                                        Not everyone was from a circus.

I reckon Blackpool was worth a trip but a day was plenty.


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