A couple of three weeks ago we were ready to head to work at usual 7.20am to be greeted by a cold foggy morning. So being clever I started the car to use the heater to warm the interior, as I've done several times previous, and returned to lock the boat as Leonie stepped ashore.
Returning to the car to seat ourselves in the warmed interior it was a Cold surprise to find the Freaking central locking had locked all the doors.
I've broken into dozens of cars after mostly women have locked the car with the keys in the ignition and hand bag on the front seat, but the lack of breaking and entry tools available and the fact the Ford Focus doesn't have any "Knobs" to Grab with a wire made a controlled entry impossible.
Using an unsuitable.....
Length of wire and trying to release the locking mechanism...
Same wire.....
Different angle...... same result...... Negative......
After about 20 minutes trying and of course the conscious saying " don't be late for work, you love going to work"......
The decision was made......
Smash the rear side window and get in...... Using the "Mooring Pins" hammer it surprisingly took 5 -6 good hits to break.....
Took another 15 mins, to clean up the shattered glass. The larger pieces inside and all that covered the car park.
It was a frosty trip the ride to work for two reasons.
1.. the cold air entering through the missing window at 75mph on the motorway...
2.. and apparently it was all my fault....
A glass was procured from a dismantlers for 20 quid and I fitted myself. The ride home was much warmer....
The Great Western Arms pub next door is always busy and very busy on weekends....
Serve top food and....
The car park will over flow with Top cars.... a couple of Porches....
And a classic....
1930.s Wolseley Hornet.....
And the patrons cars.....
Over flow to park in the boat yard beside the canal...
It was a Typical.....
UK stunning day......
At work one day.....
Getting in some practice for a Drive in Movie.....
Went for a drive with Spencer to get some race gear, helmet, balaclava, gloves and a Hans device to stop the neck stretching and the brain disengaging should one have the bad luck to crash heavily....
Our destination......
Silverstone race track.... It's a huge industrial park with all types of business's connect to race products...
There was also....
A Lotus car dealership on site....
One of the purchased items....
A very nice Bell helmet.... no change out of 500 "nika"... that's after the negotiated discount....
I've been back doing a little at the panel and paint shop.
The spray painter had just finished.....
Another Air Brush job for a motor cyclist.....
The Spyder Man effect looked good.....
The black triangular pattern on the red base was sprayed over the "Missus" stretched over stockings.... She had taken them off...... ( the white lines are not on the helmet of course..)
The pattern in the eyes was also a stretched fabric sprayed over.....