Back on our own, two handed, well actually that's four hands or two lots of two and heading North still on the Grand Union canal.
Plans are, and they're pretty loose, is to head for the Macclesfield canal then have a look in Manchester and if times on our side traverse the Leeds and Liverpool and look at parking up in November..
The weather is still very warm but the temperature lowers with the odd shower of rain.
We left Cowroast and parked up was...
The new wide beam... Still Rockin....
There wasn't much chance to stop and say hello because the sky had blackened and George was closing down the side covers....
A very short time later it came down pretty steady...
I chucked on the wet weather gear and bared it for a while but as I could see it getting heavier I made a decision...
Hit the reverse thrust as we passed under the bridge and used it for shelter....
Keeping and eye on....
The way we came... hopefully not another NB coming... there wasn't....
We moored for the night and the rain eased...
Next morning fine and hot again....
Entering the first of the Marsworth locks (7)......We teamed up with...
The hotel boat Takara.... Dean & Chris have been doing trips for 8 years now and we breezed through the flight with Leonie & Chris setting the locks.....
Of their paying guests one lady was on her 39th holiday on a hotel boat, many times on this boat.
She was pretty handy swinging a windlass too...
They were heading down the Aylesbury arm so we said "See Yaa" and continued alone....
The combine harvesters have been doing long hours, can hear them well after dark and the fields have......
Hundreds of bales of straw to be carted for storage...
The sunny spell means the camping grounds are full and the three...
Igloo accommodation huts were full too....
At one lock the bottom paddle mechanism was extremely hard to wind and the tapered shaft the windlass goes on was very worn. Leonie was struggling to get winding but as usual was putting in a huge effort when," Kappow", her windlass slipped off the shaft and the momentum of trying to wind caused her to lung forward and "Headbutt" the gate paddle mechanism on the lock beam.
I'm watching from steering the boat and my first thought were, head injury..
I climbed up to run over and luckily her sunglasses had worn the impact, paint was etched into one lens, and no blackeye or cuts....
"Give it here" I say..
And she did...
Placing the windlass on the worn shaft and adding a couple of necessary swear words I give it the big heave....
And it...
Flys off again and smacks me right on the shin bone...
Adding the necessary swear words.......
Cleaned up and with a dressing held together with....
The compulsory asking tape worked a treat to stop the blood flow...
But when it came to remove the tape... See the hairs....
So that's why those cyclists people shave there legs... I thought they were all femine......
At Grove lock...
The pub puts on a nice display...
Now Iv'e been told by experts that if you hang a CD disc in the front of your car it will deflect the coppers radar... Na fair go....
So I think we've seen the....
Worlds speediest and unlaw abiding Narrow Boat....take that Ol, Bill.....
Also how do you get off the boat onto a RH towpath....
We arrived at Leighton lock and it was....
Happy hour for nearby Wyvern NB Hire Co.... 19 boats in from hirers and 19 out and this is the first lock they meet. We were 8th in line and it was amusing watching the first timers..
A staff member was on hand to tell them, not do it for them, and when he told a teenager what he'd done wrong the spoilt little brat packed a right sad and stormed off down the tow path...
He had to return because the rest of the family were on the boat and no doubt dad had the house keys... where ever that was.....
Another day and we caught up with....
Del and Al... NB Derwent 6... Leonie and Al catching up on latest travels...they are headed for Cambridge via the rivers.....
A slow hire boat ahead was slowing progress...
Awaiting to exit the second of the Soulbury 3 locks......
Moored up near to Milton Keynes and made it inside as another heavy shower hit....
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