This house was home to the Ferrers family for over 500 yrs. The house was built in the 13th century when sections of the Great Forest Of Arden was cleared.
The Ferrers were Roman Catholic recusants. They refused to attend Anglican services even though the Protestant Reformation, by people who were against the doctrines, rituals and leadership of the Catholic church, was in order and made people, especially Catholic Priests, in danger of death.
The house therefore features 3 Priest Holes. One in the wooden wall paneling of a room. A second in a ceiling and the third goes from a hidden trap door in a toilet on the first floor down the walls by ropes to the sewers below the house.
The house was raided by the "Bounty Hunters" looking for Priests but they hid well and survived. One Priest thought quickly and even turned over the bed mattresses so they felt cold when examined.
Entering the grounds one passes through and by....
The out building... stables, courtyards now cafes and gift shop...
Approaching the main house you pass over...
A double arched bride, which crosses the moat surrounding the house, leading to the Gate House....
The house is small compared to the average English palace......
But well laid out within the moat...
And the.....
Inner courtyard and garden....
Inside the rooms......
All have low ceilings and door ways....
Looking out any window....
The moat is a feature..... It now contains large fish used to keep it from getting clogged with weed...
The house is described as a Medieval Manor House and...
All the rooms, like the Great Hall, are quite dark.....Large tapestries feature....
Also the.....
Dinning room....
And the...
Library.... Most rooms feature 15th century carved panels.....
Several artists painted from the house and grounds.....
This room was used as a painting room and featured unfinished art work.... Rebecca Dering was an artist of "note" to paint here...
The outside features fish ponds and lakeside walks but the weather didn't allow us to partake......
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