Been hot as for days then last night the thunder rolled in followed by an impressive forked lightning display. About 11.30pm it poured and continued on and off during the night till about 10.30am when the sun appeared and the temperature and humidity rose for another hot day.
There's something about people who own and steer Plastic boats. It seems the bigger the boat the bigger the Dick Head..
Have passed a lot on this canal and always acknowledge them with a minimum response back but after todays experience they can Suck The Kumara..
We approached a lock to see two vessels in it with the crew working the paddles to lower the water. We have tied up and are at the lock side to offer help when they all jump on board and exit the lock leaving both gates wide open..
Now I know the sign says leave one gate that you exit through open but two gates and when you've got a full crew doing the locking and you've watched the arriving boat tie up.. Where's the manners??
Two locks later two different plastics in the lock coming up, we are moored waiting..waiting..waiting, they're so pedantic not wanting to scratch anything, they open the gates then go and get a map out and start Freakin planning there trip or something with the boats still in the Freakin lock..
And then as the first one emerges from the lock and passes us he's on the Freakin RT/CB speakers full volume talkin to the guy only 20 metre's behind that he's just discussed his and his neighbours life Freakin life history with sitting up there and talkin like he's the Freakin Rear Admiral of the
Eversham Navy... Plus it was hot....
They are big locks but all in excellent condition....
Wind the handle and the paddle is counter balanced with the weight on the chain...
There's the first two plastics, or is it Gin Palaces, that left the lock gates open.....
George Billington Lock has this flood proof lock keepers hut, Trendy....
Waiting to exit the lock...
The "A" team waiting for the water to lower in Eversham Lock....
Approaching Eversham, at least this bridge has uniform arches....
Tonights mooring on the Avon......
Out the side hatch plenty going on with the rowers. That's the Eights warming up on the rowing machines but it must have been a gym day, they never got in the boat, Bummer...
Tomorrow more Avon...
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