Wednesday, 5 June 2013

TRAIN SPOTTERS read this......

Dreamt all night about my "Left Front Wheel" so with the sun blazing again decided to check it out.Down to the rail station and there it was parked up in it's glory hissing steam, "Sparkies Bro".
Brought tickets for the return trip to Carrog, about 7 mile each way, then settled into an old school carriage seat. The journey has two stops, the second where the train is swapped to the other end for the return trip and one tunnel. On the return we alighted at the second stop, didn't want to wait for the wheel thing to happen, and walked the two miles back to Llangollen  along the tow path after walking up to Horseshoe falls, the start of the canals water supply.. A very enjoyable day....


Big Black and Beautiful, (to a train spotter,Iv'e got  two  badges  on order)...

The Heart of the  Loco, the "coal Range"....

At the turn around I was taking a photo from the platform when one of the "Stokers" asked if I wanted to "climb  aboard", sure did, and no one else got asked,  lucky me....

At the station before leaving...

On the way, smoke, steam, noise and smell...

Lights on going through the tunnel, DAMMM thought it might be a "Back Row Of the Movies " type thing.. and got soot instead of Jaffa's...

AT the turn around, coming in from what was the rear...

Pipes and Gadgets...


Food to make those big wheels turn...

More levers and pipes....

You gotta have  ID......

Carrog Station, railway pies and coffee for the return...

On the return had an  upgrade to a "Orient Express Type Cabin"...... OH and there was a Movie Star already seated....

In the signal box at Carrog changing the points to move the train and changing signals. All cable activated, the fartherest  movement that is done from here is 528yrds, takes a good puller he said...

Tomorrow head,n back toward, who No's........

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