Up early and on the move by 9am, well I was, with no locks for a few miles Leonie had a lie in as I steered the NB. The day was fine and mild and after two wet days steering was fun.Topped up the water tank and got rid of some rubbish bags then turned on to the Llangollen Canal, well joined the que, only 2 back but there were boats coming and going in every direction. At the moment about 7 out of 10 boats would be hire boats. Into the first lock of the Hurleston flight of 4, a rise of 34' 3'', the lock is so tight our rubber side fenders, bout 2'' diameter, squashed onto the lock wall and we couldn't move until we lifted them. A boater in a "plastic" launch got through the first lock but in the 2nd as the water was let in and the boat lifted the lock wall narrowed and the boat sides began to squash in. A bit of panic and stopping the flow of water enabled them to get it out in one piece but he's had to retreat and try a different canal.

Leonie working the first lock with the owner of the "Squashed" plastic helping as he was waiting to come back down.
On the 3rd lock and Leonie crosses the "planks", note the hand ready on the Rail, well you don't see a Trapeze artist without a net.....
Looking back down the flight and each lock is full....
Teenage adventurers at the top lock, they have to carry the canoes down to the lower canal...
Motored on but then the rain returned so moored up by 4pm..
Tomorrows forecast looks good so deeper into Wales we go.....
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