Getting close to the end of another year and it's been a good one. Excellent summer, two in a row now, amazing and memorable sights from London to Bath to Leeds and places and detours on the way. Chuck in the awesome time we had with our "Summer Crew" of Nat and Bruce and catching up with old friends along the way make for a memorable year.
Lately it's been back to the work schedule until April ends but when the weathers crap you may as well be inside earning a quid.
The weathers been pretty mild of late, 12 - 13.5 C, but there has been colder days..
It's getting late...
About 4.30pm and it's dark with the ice starting to form on the parked cars...
Next day.....
Ice still on the ground at 2.30pm....
But the sun was shining....
On the other side of the road... Where's them bloody punters?....
A couple of three weeks ago Leonie baked up some treats as usual but in a larger quantity than the norm....
Then it was off to London to meet some cool dudes partying and working on their OE thing.
First stop....
A meeting in a "Makkas" with Nick to drop off the booty.....
We know Makkas tastes pretty ordinary so...
We sample some good Tucker...
Left Nick to transport the baking back to the flat. Apparently the other "Mates" never found out about the "Rocky Road".... Made plans to catch up later...
Leonie and me made our way to Camden Markets to grab a bite to eat...
Pleasing to emerge from the Underground to see that the cold brisk weather had.....
Deterred the others... Not.. Walking on the road dodging cars was the easiest option...
Spoilt for choice we decided on....
A Falafel for Leonie and a Lamb and barbeque veg, dish for me... Then headed and stood by an unfamiliar surrounding to graze... Camden Lock...
It's in the Blood.. can't keep away....
Decided to go across town to Harrods to check out the Xmas theme...
The tube was pretty packed and getting on through the ready to close doors was the norm...
With three stops to go....
How come this station is so deserted??..
I'll tell you why.. Because everyone else is on the last bloody tube.. Leonie decided in her wisdom to race two carriages along to board and by the time I graciously gave way to 63 AASSSHHOOOONNNS and then got my foot in the door it slammed shut with the best part of me still on the Bloody platform... Bye Bye.....
Anyway we were reunited, with the help of 3 St, Bernards and a man with a White stick, outside Harrods and then after getting to know each other we spent some time in store just looking.
In the food halls there are dining areas to indulge in your purchase after it has been cooked just the way you want it.
Whether it be Caviar, fish, pies or meats and salads I think a lot of them just like to "Be Seen" eating there.
So it was with fascination that we stood nearby......
The meat section where you select what type and size of cut you want and the butcher cuts to size then you take it to the chefs to have it cooked in front of you.
A couple from Asia, very well attired, made their selection. She chose a T Bone cut to size and when weighed the butcher said, " seventy six pounds" she said "thankyou thankyou".
His choice was Fillet, " AH little bigger please" and the butcher said "fifty seven pounds" and he said "thankyou, thankyou".
One hundred and thirty three quid and they still have to buy freak"n grub to garnish the plate.
And when the butcher asks how they would like them cooked they say " Medium to Well Done"...
So back on the tube, together, and down town to check out some more Xmas scenery.
Up on the roof of...
John Lewis you could see across the London skyline and along Oxford St, below....
And being up so high...
The Snow was falling.....
Back down to Earth.....
The lights along Regent St, were starting to shine....
And at the intersection of Regent and Oxford....
It 's not all about the colour...
But there's more...
Light and colour with buses and Balls everywhere....
Later we caught up with.....
Nick and Ashton..... Bought some beers......
In a cosy corner pub then decided....
To drink them... and some more...
Back at the job a car parked next door at the garage....
A Reliant Scimitar......
Jurys out on the looks....
Back on the job in the office things can get pretty stressful
I mean what do I.....
Watch... Live racing or live darts... And to go and get another coffee.. Chance of missing a Checkout.....
Been a bit windy and stormy last couple of days...
Trees bending...
And clouds rolling in...
We got a nice surprise the other day....
A done by "Club Of Odd Volumes" tea towel with pictures taken from when Nat and Bruce were here on the NB in the summer.... Bloody Awesome....
So we'll get over Xmas and New Year then start counting down to the next adventure.....